Welcome to the Learn Azure and AWS Newsletter

Our Inaugural Newsletter for Cloud Mastery

👋 Welcome to the Learn Azure and AWS Newsletter

Hello, and welcome to our first newsletter. This newsletter is exclusively for all the people who have downloaded one of our apps for purposes of passing the Azure or AWS certification exams (or both). We hope they have been or will be helpful in your journey towards cloud mastery!

We are really excited to kick off this journey with the tens of thousands of cloud professionals we are privileged to have in our community. Our plan is to use this newsletter for building out our already strong community in order to communicate all the things we plan on releasing in future Azure and AWS updates, hear directly from you to help us drive new features and practice exams, and provide newsworthy updates in the respective cloud platforms.

Some of you have already provided feedback on new practice exams, delivery models of the exams (web-based), and an option for subscription-based pricing. All of these great suggestions are being planned. And other features too, so stay tuned!

You may be asking yourself, “Who is this guy sending me this email?”. Denis Kazakov (creator of the Learn apps) and I have teamed up to bring our mobile apps to the next level. We both have decades of IT experience and many battle scars in developing different types of applications. I am dating myself, but I actually worked with Microsoft Visual InterDev 1.0 on my first web application! I suspect there may be a few people in this community who may have done the same. 😉 

I suspect we will be refining things as we here your feedback. In fact, we would love for this community to help drive the content we provide in this newsletter. Consistency will be key so we are aiming to have at minimum a bi-weekly cadence. We all get tons of email so we want to be respectful of your email inbox. Please use the unsubscribe link below if you do not want to receive future emails.

The Learn Azure app and the Learn AWS app are available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Our goal is to help millions of professionals progress in their IT careers by providing the most up-to-date information on a variety of certification exam topics.

We know there are a number of options in the Ed-Tech space but our method of getting you to the next level in order to advance your careers is unique.

🚀 Bring your career to the next level today!

Let us know what you think of having a newsletter going forward!

Reply to this email to share your thoughts (including the name of this newsletter). We love to hear how our apps have helped you pass the exams on the first try! We read all of the responses.

Future editions will have additional topics related to careers (can you say salary increases?), benefits of certifications, links to additional study guides, and discounts to premium in-app purchases.

Please forward to others to help them start their cloud certification journey.

🌓 For those in the path of totality, enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime experience of the Solar Eclipse!

Thank you!
Jason and Denis